
Revolutionize your restorations with Captek – an innovative metal-ceramic system for exceptional strength, durability, and aesthetics. Our Captek restorations utilize a patented composite metal infrastructure consisting of 99% pure gold electroplated over a platinum-palladium alloy substructure. This advanced foundation provides unmatched resilience and flexibility.

We combine Captek’s high noble metal framework with our meticulously layered porcelain for beautiful, natural-looking restorations that function as strong as they appear. Our skilled ceramicists customize the shade and morphology of the porcelain to seamlessly integrate with your existing dentition.

Whether crafting an anterior crown or a posterior bridge, Captek allows for minimal thickness while maximizing strength. The ductile metal framework prevents cracking, chipping, and fractures even under intense biting forces. Captek’s flexibility is also perfect for bruxers and grinders. 

Our Captek restorations offer incredible longevity and unmatched resistance to recurrent decay. The high noble metal content prevents corrosion and tarnish for lasting luster and biocompatibility. Patients will appreciate the comfortable, precise fit along with the beautiful, vibrant aesthetics.

From single units to complex bridges, give your patients the strength, function, and aesthetics they deserve with Captek restorations.

Contact our dental lab today to provide your patients with these advanced metal-ceramic solutions! 

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